
Pretty Shady

Pretty Shady

Fight Skin Cancer One Summer At A Time.


FIGHT SKIN CANCEr one summer at a time

Pretty Shady is a lifestyle brand with a difference. Created for Cancer Institute NSW, the Pretty Shady campaign seeks to raise awareness amongst young Australians of the dangers of skin cancer. We did this by creating a fashion label with a collection consisting entirely of sun smart clothing and accessories. 

The campaign has been a great success with three hot summer collections released to date. Fans were able to cop the limited edition items by engaging with the campaign online – driven by a full campaign featuring cinema ads, outdoor and extensive online ads and social activity.

A typical user journey, from website to product redemption to social sharing - which drives other users back to the site.

A typical user journey, from website to product redemption to social sharing - which drives other users back to the site.

The most recent Pretty Shady collection.

The most recent Pretty Shady collection.



As an awareness campaign, the goal was to educate young Australians about sun safe behaviour in a way they could relate to.



The campaign successfully drove users online to acquire Pretty Shady brand items which they then shared over social media, creating a genuine interest in the subject and provoked conversation.

Pretty Shady teaser awareness campaign featuring celebrity influencers directing users to the website.

Pretty Shady teaser awareness campaign featuring celebrity influencers directing users to the website.



Pretty Shady was particularly effective at changing the behaviour of those with ‘pro-tanning’ attitudes: amongst those who experienced the campaign and who thought tans were fashionable, 80% said they would use Pretty Shady products.


47% of young people said they would increase sun protection.


100k+ likes each year across influencer’s social posts.

Visit the Pretty Shady website